current status: Active
website: 7777
moo type:Social
description:ChatMUD is a MOO (MUD, object-oriented) designed around the central goal of socialization and creative works. Featuring the most sophisticated channel functionality ever seen on a MUD, built-in socials, custom-made mechanics for building, dozens of options and numerous systems for programmers to hook into the world, there's a place for anyone who wishes to make their home here. The bulk of systems including our channels themselves are open source, and anyone can program or extend the world. An active moderation team prevents unsavory behavior. Admins have an eye towards security, which means the safety and privacy of users comes first.

Running on a heavily customized version of the LambdaMOO-Stunt server, players can easily extend the virtual reality in meaningful ways without requiring reboots or code audits. Syntax improvements to the standard MOO language allow for programmers from any background to jump right in, and for people who don't have experience coding, our building mechanics allow for the creation and linking of areas, flavorful objects such as furniture and doors, and custom descriptions. Your area can be opened to the public or can be left restricted for close friends to enjoy.

A directory of over 40 player creations is available, where players can submit their own custom additions to the world for others to reuse without admin intervention. These creations can often be tailored to your particular use case via messages and other customizable values, depending on what the creator decided to expose.

In a step towards modernity, ChatMUD integrates with external services such as Pushover to send MUD-related notifications to your mobile device. We also support 24-bit color; for those who are counting, that's over 16.5 million colors! Support for MCP and our custom ChatMUD Communication Protocol let clients soak up data out of band without disrupting the user experience.

The administration is constantly iterating and changing content to move the MUD forward, with feedback considered at every level of the development process. In-MOO mailing lists let people vote or comment on ideas that they want to see implemented, and admins are easily approachable in private venues to discuss disputes that players may have. External services such as Mastodon, TeamTalk and IRC are also available, as well as a custom in-house client developed specifically for our MUD. Why don't you join us on our journey?